I was lucky to get an interview with J. B. Cantwell, the author of Wild Lands, one of this year’s #SPFBO8 entries.
Please, tell us a bit about yourself…
I am a mother of two who loves hiking, backpacking, and animals. I live in Northern California with my family. My husband is a very patient man who understands and supports my passion for writing. I consider myself a very lucky woman. In my writing I like to explore the darker side of my characters and find ways in which we can all glean hope from our experiences, good or bad.
“I am a very lucky woman; I have found my voice.”
Why did you decide to take part in the SPFBO?
A writer friend introduced me to SPFBO just this past month. I’m proud of the book I entered, so I thought I would give it a shot.
Subgenre: Dark epic fantasy
Pages: 458
Self-published: 2021 (Wild Lands is the first book in the Light Chaser Series, and despite it being a relatively new book, the series is already up to four books, the newest one, Rogue's Reward, being published on the very day this interview was published in the SPFBO Facebook group.)
Why should we buy your SPFBO8 book?
Wild Lands is a dark epic fantasy about a young woman on a quest to defeat an evil sorcerer and to find a new home for herself after being ousted from her kingdom for illegally using magic. There’s sorcery, giant beasts, and travel to exotic lands. But more importantly, our protagonist is forced to face her own difficult and abusive past as she moves forward into her adult life.
What got you into writing? And how long have you been doing it?
I started writing several years ago when I was working on a treatment for a video game. Once I started writing, I couldn’t stop, and soon I was looking at my first novel!
Why did you choose to write fantasy? And why pick this particular fantasy subgenre?
I started off writing MG fantasy, then Dystopian, and now back to YA/Adult fantasy. This switch back to fantasy came from a desire to imagine more fantastical settings, journeys, and magical creatures. I am very inspired by images as well, having a history in the photography field, and I started seeing artwork that was highly impactful on my decision to genre hop.
What’s the best thing about being a writer?
I LOVE making up stories. This type of work is very rewarding, as it allows me to share the images and ideas I have floating around in my head. I am easily inspired by the world around me, which is something I’m very grateful for.
What’s the hardest thing about being a writer?
Staying on schedule and following an outline are difficult things for me. Over the years I’ve learned to work with my writing process, which is a hybrid between plotting and pantsing. But sometimes it is difficult to be facing down an entire novel. There are times when I love the mechanics of writing (vs. just thinking up stories), but it is a challenging thing to actually write the stories down!
Do you have a tip, app, tool, or resource you recommend to authors?
Don’t be afraid of following your passion, especially when it comes to choosing a genre. There are plenty of people out there who will criticize your work, but it’s important to remember that what you’re doing is BRAVE. It takes guts to put yourself and your story out into the world. It’s easy for others to criticize, so be prepared for it, but always keep in mind that those who are nasty about their opinions of your work probably aren’t doing anything nearly as creative as you are. Take breaks from time to time, but don’t quit!
What new projects are you working on?
I am currently about halfway through my Light Chaser series, which I will follow up with a fantasy dragon series in 2023. I’m loving this direction in my work!
Anything else you would like to say before we close?
I am a very lucky woman; I have found my voice. I encourage anyone, in any field, to follow your instincts and find your own way toward inspiration.
Interesting answers! Best of luck with the competition, Jen, and with sales.
Thanks for doing the interview.