This is the first of what will be a recurring yearly newsletter. I'm hard at work on my next novel, plus another new and exciting project. Read more below.
2020 was a special year for me, as my debut novel came out this summer. Thank you, to everyone that helped get it ready, helped in other ways, or reviewed it.
Merry Christmas (and Glædelig Jul) to you.
My wife 🤶 and I 🎅 got into the Christmas Spirit early on, and decorated our 🎄, and our 🐱 Muffin is excited. He spends all his time underneath the tree, where mysteriously, Christmas ornaments end up next to his little paws.
Great reviews
Since publishing the Doomsayer Prince this summer I have gotten some great reviews. I even got some 5-star ratings, and a lot of kind words of encouragement. Thank you!
More reviews on my new brief page.
Give a gift
Doomsayer Prince looks so great in the hardcover version from Lulu.com, but the nearest Amazon store might mail it faster (if you need it before Christmas.) for a last minute gift the eBook is delivered on the same day.
Buy you gift right here.
More readable
I recently changed the layout throughout the Doomsayer Prince, using more readable, and bigger fonts. As a result the novel is now more than a hundred pages longer! I also used some software to help me get rid of annoying little typos (English is not my first language, after all.)
Thank you to those of you who asked for these changes. It's always great to improve the prose and the look and feel. If you already own the eBook and would like the updated version, please download it free. Read how.
Writing the sequel and creating a roleplaying game
I’m currently outlining and writing Arch of the Zhi’el (the second book in the Artifact War series,) and I have a feeling that it will be better than my first novel, but you will have to be the judge.
Phytiax is captured by a ruthless enemy, and Pino is still doing stupid things. A new world of ancient knowledge and evil have opened for Emilai and Milou, and getting that right demands a lot of my attention. After all, the sequel is named for Emilai's new title.
The cover image (above) might change before release. Stuff changes a lot though the process of writing. In epic fantasy, you are dealing with thousands of characters and places. There are a lot of subplots and ideas to keep track off, and you don't want the reader to find any plot issues.
This is how I keep track of all the characters, subplots, and ideas in this crazy complex data set of my own making.
I'm doing some outlining of book three, titled All-Master, and both novels are progressing just fine. I spent 2½ years writing, drawing, doing layout, and getting Doomsayer Prince ready for publishing, but I hope to get Arch of The Zhi'el done quicker. Lets see, as I'm also doing another simultaneous project (see below.)
Writing takes quite a bit of time, and the editing phase is mostly out of my hands, but quite important.
RPG in the works
The other project I'm working on, is the Doomsayer Roleplaying Game. It began as a document with my world building, but kept expanding, and I started to change it into a roleplaying game. Currently it's 61.000 words and 273 pages long.
A sneak peak of a few pages:
Website alerts
Today, I got a smart app that tells me where the visitors on my website come from. Most find it via Facebook, Google, or Baidu. For instance, yesterday it was visited from Utah, Ohio, New Jersey, and Virginia plus undisclosed places in China and two places in Denmark. Hopefully, some of them will enjoy the Doomsayer Prince:-)
What are the best things about being an author, and the worst? Find out in this two-part interview.
I will send you another newsletter next December.
I wish you all the best, hope you stay safe, far away from Corona, and that you and yours have a Merry Christmas,