I was lucky to get an interview with Bookborn, BookTuber and #SPFBO lead judge.
Please, tell us a bit about yourself…
I’m a permanent US West-Coaster (Lived in Portland, San Fran, and now Seattle!) and love the trees and rain. Like many of us, I’m a huge nerd, and got my graduate degree in Geotechnical Engineering with a minor in mathematics. I live with my husband and two kids and my hobbies (besides reading and “youtubing”) are hiking, crafting, traveling, and D&D.
“...I just finally pulled the trigger and decided it was now or never.”
What got you into reviewing books?
I’ve been reading fantasy literally my entire life, and as I grew older I wished for a larger community to discuss the ideas I constantly had around fantasy books. The couple of friends I had that were reading fantasy were getting sick of me talking about the same things constantly! After thinking about it for years, I just finally pulled the trigger and decided it was now or never.
Why should I visit your website?
The vision behind my channel was really to show my passion for sci-fi and fantasy…but also my passion for research. I just LOVE a good ol’ video essay, and I felt the book community didn’t have as many as it should. The unique angle I try to bring to my channel is a more analytic approach, and to cover meta topics that affect the community.
How long have you been a judge in the SPFBO?
This is only my second year as a blog head, but third year participating - for SPFBO 7 I helped out Booknest. I just passed my third year anniversary for my YouTube channel, which feels pretty crazy.
How many other judges are working with you on your batch of SPFBO books?
I have a team of 5 other booktubers helping me with my initial batch - with the goal that more books will get a fair chance than if I was reading all 30 on my own (I don’t read as fast as some of ya’ll!) Once finalists come around, it’ll be just me judging.
Do you have any tips for those that would like to publish their reviews and/or become an SPFBO judge?
I don’t know a lot about publishing written reviews, but if you want to be a booktuber, I highly recommend it. The community is so friendly and there will always be someone to help you out.
Why did you choose to review fantasy?
Fantasy has literally ALWAYS been my favorite genre, since I could first read. I find joy in most subgenres of fantasy, so it’s probably easier to say my least favorites: which *tend* to be urban and grimdark. As always, there are exceptions - after all, I love the First Law and Greenbone Saga!
Bookborn makes a lot of cool review videos but also covers other topics. I must admit that I feel much the same as her when we talk about Goodreads. See the video above…
What challenges did you face during the creation of your blog, and how did you overcome them?
I think just the endless grind of the whole thing is my biggest challenge. Always having another quality idea that you believe in, and finding the time to do it justice - from writing the script, to filming, to finding new editing techniques to make a video shine. And doing all of that on the weekly deadline…it can feel like a lot! I’m not sure I’ve overcome it yet. Some weeks are easier than others.
Which author is your all-time absolute favorite when we talk indie publishing?
I always have to give this award to Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang. I was just completely transported by that book.
Who is your favorite author when we talk traditional publishing?
I like to call it an “auto-buy” author when I’ll immediately buy anything they publish. Right now that includes Brandon Sanderson, Joe Abercrombie, Susanna Clarke, Madeline Miller, Ken Liu, and Terry Pratchett. That was more than you wanted, huh? Well, what do you expect, asking a book-lover that!
Sorry, I know it’s a tough question. But it’s relevant as I’m pretty sure the SPFBO authors in your batch are waiting (and biting their fingernails) to see who you and your team pick. And they’ll for sure read a lot into your answers…and ask themselves “Do any of those authors’ books resemble mine in any way?”
Back to the questions…name three things that annoy you constantly in books.
Love triangles.
Instant love.
When characters “blink” all the time in response to things.
And three things that you really appreciate when authors get right.
Accurate/nuanced depictions of motherhood.
Allowing themes to be ambiguous.
An absolutely epic ending in which every thread suddenly makes sense.
What new projects or changes to your blog are you working on?
Trying to dip my toe into Shorts. Jury’s out on if it’ll be successful or not 😅 Another project I’ve worked on with my husband that’s been extremely rewarding is our Indie Fantasy Fund. IFF is a non-profit we started last year to help fund indie authors and their books. So far we’ve been able to award $16,000+ to indie authors. It’s been SO rewarding and feels great to give back to a community that has given us so much. This year’s competition is closed, but if you missed it, it’ll start again next February!
Do you have any dreams you’d like to share?
I’ve been fascinated by Egypt since my dad brought me home a book from a business trip when I was 5. I really, really want to travel there and see the Pyramids in person some day. As far as the channel/reviewing goes, maybe I’ll get blurbed on a book someday. That would be pretty cool.
Anything else you would like to say before we close?
Good luck authors on SPFBO! I love seeing all of the great books you come up with!
That were some interesting answers, and I hope you get to go to Egypt some day!
I wish you the very best in the SPFBO and hope you discover some new favorite books this year. Thanks for doing the interview.